Processes & Structures

Employee survey

We set up and conduct employee surveys on your behalf and derive concrete recommendations for action.

Continuous surveys generate the highest possible level of employee satisfaction. They are the foundation for an open dialog with your employees and directly involve them in the development process of your company and culture. That’s why employee surveys are now a well-established tool for business growth and change.

The goal: to capture the current situation, identify areas for action and develop measures for continuous improvement of your company at different levels.

We can help you make the best use of this tool to achieve accurate insights and a high level of employee satisfaction.

Edl Consulting…

  • puts anonymity and data protection first,
  • identifies relevant survey topics,
  • analyzes positive as well as negative results in a targeted manner,
  • develops concrete measures for improvement
  • and enables you to base your decisions on them,
    identify potentials and set goals.

The path to modern HR support

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